Aligning clinical strategy with regulatory and market objectives through modern forecasting

Anna Forsythe, PharmD, MSc, MBA
Vice President, Value & Access Cytel

A Russian pianist turned HEOR disruptor, Anna Forsythe cofounded Purple Squirrel Economics (a Cytel company) to provide curated evidence and economic modeling to support HTA. She capitalizes on over two decades of experience in global product commercialization, strategic drug development, market access, HEOR and pricing reimbursement to form unique strategic insight to clients. Anna is an adjunct professor of health economics at Long Island University College of Pharmacy, a guest lecturer at Rutgers University Business School, and is widely considered a thought-leader within the HEOR space.

Aligning evidence for regulatory requirements and global market access requirements depends on accurate forecasting which considers an ever-changing market landscape. As the evidence thresholds for regulatory bodies differ from those of market-access gatekeepers, manufacturers run the risk of misaligned or insufficient evidence to achieve success through both hurdles. Cytel is reshaping the relationship between evidence and forecasting technology and has developed new tools to align clinical strategy with both regulatory and market objectives.